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Location: DC Metro Area, United States

I adore The Lord. I'm in my 40's. Completely in love with my husband, a mother of 3 girls ages 23, 21 and 18 and one little man that turned 3 in December. I don't own a gun but I believe in your right to own one, if you so choose. I vaccinate but I believe in your right not to, I don't homeschool but believe in your right to educate your child the way you see fit. I don't attend a "church" but I read the Bible everyday. I do not support our current administration and do not feel it is Biblical to "get behind" a man with such unGodly actions. If a child survives an abortion it is nothing short of Gods will that that child live. How ANYONE professing Christianity can support an administration that will use their will to override Gods and kill that child anyway is beyond my understanding. I'm not so convinced that we are in the End Times but I am sure our country is out of control and headed for disaster. You can call me nuts but I'll just call you part of the problem for being uninformed and asleep at the wheel.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Rules for Teachers from the 1800’s

This is from an old magazine. It is a set of rules for teachers from the 1800’s from an old magazine.

1. You will not marry during the term of your contract.
2. You are not to keep company with men.
3. You must be at home between the hours of 8pm and 6am unless attending school functions.
4. You must not loiter down town in any of the ice cream stores.
5. You may not travel beyond the city limits unless you have permission from the chairman of the board.
6. You may not ride in a carriage or automobile with any man unless he is your father or brother.
7. You may not smoke cigarettes.
8. You may not dress in bright colors.
9. You must wear at least two petticoats.
10. Dresses must not be more than 2 inches above the ankle.
11. To keep the school neat and clean, you must sweep the floor at least once daily; scrub the floor at least once a week with hot soapy water; clean the blackboards at least once a day; and start fire at 7am so the room will be warm by 8am.



Blogger Deborah said...

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September 23, 2009 at 8:57 PM  
Blogger Mrs. D said...

I removed the above comment because it contained personal information.

October 30, 2009 at 6:55 AM  

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