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Location: DC Metro Area, United States

I adore The Lord. I'm in my 40's. Completely in love with my husband, a mother of 3 girls ages 23, 21 and 18 and one little man that turned 3 in December. I don't own a gun but I believe in your right to own one, if you so choose. I vaccinate but I believe in your right not to, I don't homeschool but believe in your right to educate your child the way you see fit. I don't attend a "church" but I read the Bible everyday. I do not support our current administration and do not feel it is Biblical to "get behind" a man with such unGodly actions. If a child survives an abortion it is nothing short of Gods will that that child live. How ANYONE professing Christianity can support an administration that will use their will to override Gods and kill that child anyway is beyond my understanding. I'm not so convinced that we are in the End Times but I am sure our country is out of control and headed for disaster. You can call me nuts but I'll just call you part of the problem for being uninformed and asleep at the wheel.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hal Turner and China-Shesh

The following rumor is circulating the internet. This makes me nuts because more than a few people are geting drawn in and being borderline rude when you try to bring it to their attention. They should know better and if you run across a site posting this, run. The site can't be trusted and you are wasting your time if you are indeed a serious follower of current events.

It comes from Hal Turner who posted the crap that started this rumor. Here is his blog. and here is the article he linked in the thread.

The guy is a joke and if you follow him you should rexamine your sources. I saw nothing in there stating that the fed had done this, but please look for yourself. he did say it was a response to that article, but no other source was given.

If you indeed find something creditable on this I will apoligize.

FTA: February 26, 2009FEDS GRANT EMINENT DOMAIN AS COLLATERAL TO CHINA FOR U.S. DEBTS!Beijing, China -- Sources at the United States Embassy in Beijing China have just CONFIRMED to me that the United States of America has tendered to China a written agreement which grants to the People's Republic of China, an option to exercise Eminent Domain within the USA, as collateral for China's continu More..ed purchase of US Treasury Notes and existing US Currency reserves!

The written agreement was brought to Beijing by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and was formalized and agreed-to during her recent trip to China.

This means that in the event the US Government defaults on its financial obligations to China, the Communist Government of China would be permitted to physically take -- inside the USA -- land, buildings, factories, perhaps even entire cities - to satisfy the financial obligations of the US government.

Put simply, the feds have now actually mortgaged the physical land and property of all citizens and businesses in the United States. They have given to a foreign power, their Constitutional power to "take" all of our property, as actual collateral for continued Chinese funding of US deficit spending and the continued carrying of US national debt.

This is an unimaginable betrayal of every man, woman and child in the USA. An outrage worthy of violent overthrow.

I am endeavoring to obtain images or copies of the actual document but in the interim, several different sources both in the US and in China have CONFIRMED this to me.More details as they become available. . . . . spread the word ASAP.

Here check ou the dude on Hal Turner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Blogger Ace said...

Hey Mrs. D. I didn't hear this or read this from Hal Turner, I saw this on several sources and if you follow what is going on with this in this country it isn't so far off. A business by us just got their business taken from them (they leased a building to a local government agency) because the agency didn't feel like paying them rent anymore. That was all! They owned the building for years!

I don't go for everything that is going around, but this rumor, with the article I saw that Asia is going to be changing currency AND the fact that China had to have SOMETHING to buy our debt...well...some of it could be very true.

We will have to see.

I like how you don't just believe things though, I don't either but these are really weird times where the normal media (that I used to be a part of ) is less trustworthy than other sources right now...

Many Blessings :)

March 3, 2009 at 6:38 PM  
Blogger Mrs. D said...

Hello Ace. I follow your blog daily and i like it very much.

From the searches I've done on this story it the whole thing stems from this dude Hal. He is a not job and know for falsities. I am all for getting the meat of what's going on and maybe I'm wrong...but I really don't think so on this one. When this crap starts getting around and then blown out of the water it makes others complacent and not willing to wake up, ya know?

I agree these are some weird times and exciting also.

Keep your eyes open and thanks for stopping by Sweetie.

March 3, 2009 at 7:52 PM  

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