Quick, Company is coming
1. Grab a basket and gather up toys, shoes, blankets, anything that doesn't belong and set it aside.
2. Grab your best smelling cleaner and spritz your counters, table, any surface that needs cleaned and the public bathroom. Don't use vinegar because it may linger longer than you'd like and do you really want your guest thinking your house was so dirty that you needed bleach to get it clean or worse leave them with a headache? You want the smell of home not a hospital or a salad bar. Allow the cleaner to sit and do it's job while you...
3. Feather dust the main/public areas and gather the trash.
4. With a clean rag go room to room and wipe the areas you spritzed. Swish the toilet clean, flush and spritz the toilet again with the good smelling cleaner.
5. Vacuum the main areas as quickly as you can without getting carried away, include the hardwoods and rugs.
6. Put water on for tea or start the coffee pot.
7. Wash the dishes or load the dishwasher.
8. Wipe out the microwave. Don't use your smelly stuff. You don't want to be embarrassed if you have to reheat something (like tea). Don't take a chance on showing off a dirty microwave or that if you need to use it your item will be tasting like pine cleaner. If it's nasty heat up a cup or two of water in there for a minute or two (being very careful when you remove the cup as to not burn yourself). Wipe it out immediately and it will be much easier. It doesn't have to be perfect, just not unhealthy or embarrassing.
9. Spot mop and take out the trash.
10. Put that basket in another room to be emptied if time allows or maybe after visiting.
11. Grab some window cleaner and wipe mirrors and maybe the front door. Don't go all out just wipe where you see that it needs wiping.
12. Make a cup of tea and relax til your guests arrive. Let the kids play as normal. Don't get all uptight before your guest arrive, it will show. People really can't relax in a phony setting. This is your home not a museum, don't kid yourself.
Did you know that bleach eats the surface of whatever you are cleaning? It does, it's that powerful. In order for it to disinfect properly it needs to sit for a few minutes and well, it will eat the surface that much more. Use bleach wisely.
I do use it to clean after a bout with a bug or flu has run it's course and the house really feels sick. It just feels to me like the only thing that will take away that *sick yuck* feeling.
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