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Location: DC Metro Area, United States

I adore The Lord. I'm in my 40's. Completely in love with my husband, a mother of 3 girls ages 23, 21 and 18 and one little man that turned 3 in December. I don't own a gun but I believe in your right to own one, if you so choose. I vaccinate but I believe in your right not to, I don't homeschool but believe in your right to educate your child the way you see fit. I don't attend a "church" but I read the Bible everyday. I do not support our current administration and do not feel it is Biblical to "get behind" a man with such unGodly actions. If a child survives an abortion it is nothing short of Gods will that that child live. How ANYONE professing Christianity can support an administration that will use their will to override Gods and kill that child anyway is beyond my understanding. I'm not so convinced that we are in the End Times but I am sure our country is out of control and headed for disaster. You can call me nuts but I'll just call you part of the problem for being uninformed and asleep at the wheel.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Homestead Happenings, Take 2

This is my farmhand. As you can see he earns his keep around this here place. Puuuusssssh. lol This is my Boy Child. He is the coolest thing on 2 legs. A true gift from God Himself. I don't work him. Here, he is pushing his wagon and the wheels are not corporating. Oh the drama!

See, Happy Camper!

In the green tub is spring onion. I have a yellow tub just like it I will replant onions in in a few weeks. I have a few yellow and green tubs in 3 different sizes to play with in a couple of weeks. I think it will look nice when finished and rearranged.

Last year I knew the world was not right and started reading some prep sites and everyone suggested getting buckets from the grocer to plant in so I did. It worked out great because I had a hard time growing weeds in ground garden last year. Not true, I had a boatload of squash and I grew some wonderful corn. No corn this year. To much room for to little product. But I will do it again. Good stuff that was.

Going straight up... onion in the green tub, a tomato in the 5 gal bucket that I will add more dirt to as it grows taller, a pepper in the little bucket, cucumber seeds in the white bucket on the left and carrots in the big container, my FLOWERING tomato in the corner up there, another pepper and then another tomato next to that. The underbed storage container with the lettuce is next to the tomato but you can't see that. If you can imagine I have a rather small deck. It's getting kind of crowded right now because I have been working on getting things in pots or in the ground and not busying myself with neatness yet.

I also have 2 small bukets of pea seeds and a small bucket of bush bean seeds. I have 2 planters (like with the carrots) of head lettuce that I purchased from the Chinese Embassy (WM) last month. I put 4 plants in each planter and we have harvested from it twice already and we will have a nice salad this weekend also. This lettuce is so good. There is a phrase I thought I'd never write. Really how good can lettuce be? But I'm tellin' ya it rocks. I can't wait to see if the other lettuces I planted take and grow.
I purchased this in a single plant form for Hubby for Father's Day 2 years ago and planted it on the side of house. It was neglected and all over the place this year so I dug up the bulbs, dug a hole in front of the evergreens and plopped them in. Aren't they pretty? I don't know what they are but I have a lot more in a planter on the deck and they are not happy there so I need to get them back on the side of the house this weekend. These will not be living here either. What was I thinking? Get em' in the ground somewhere-anywhere, right now. That's what I was thinking.
Ok, I think that's all. If you have any suggestions or ideas for me please feel to leave a comment. I could use all the help I can get. The biggest problem I have with gardening is patience. I have little. Well, patience and the cost of dirt, pots, seeds/plants, fertilizer and the watering. Oh the watering. You do a lot more watering with container gardening. I'll be busy in a month or so watering the plants spread out among the yard-I mean homestead-I mean farm. Oh pleaze...a garden is a lot of work. It's good exercise as well. I get sore in places I didn't even know I had muscles but I'm not complaining becasue I could a good toning and it's sooooo worth it. I'll deny that statement if you ask me in July.

I have some pics from last years garden I may put up here. It will help get me through the long hot days if I can post results from harvests past. It'll be cool to see the whole thing come along through the years.

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