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Location: DC Metro Area, United States

I adore The Lord. I'm in my 40's. Completely in love with my husband, a mother of 3 girls ages 23, 21 and 18 and one little man that turned 3 in December. I don't own a gun but I believe in your right to own one, if you so choose. I vaccinate but I believe in your right not to, I don't homeschool but believe in your right to educate your child the way you see fit. I don't attend a "church" but I read the Bible everyday. I do not support our current administration and do not feel it is Biblical to "get behind" a man with such unGodly actions. If a child survives an abortion it is nothing short of Gods will that that child live. How ANYONE professing Christianity can support an administration that will use their will to override Gods and kill that child anyway is beyond my understanding. I'm not so convinced that we are in the End Times but I am sure our country is out of control and headed for disaster. You can call me nuts but I'll just call you part of the problem for being uninformed and asleep at the wheel.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


I've been following the Iran upraising for the past couple of days. At first I would almost get goosebumps hearing about what the people in Iran were doing. I've been wondering though, what the differences are between I'mADinnerJacket (the current President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) and Mir Hossein Mousavi. From what I gather the only real difference is that Mir Hossein Mousavi is (or so he says) for more women's rights. The interviews I've seen of Iranians living here and giving interviews agree with the Islamic Rule over the land, they just disagree with the name of the person representing them. Which is by all means reason to protest, but is it reason enough for the U.S. to get involved any more than we have?

Hubby mentioned, and it seems to be agreed by the press that I'mADinnerJacket and Mousavi share the same basic principles and values. They have both worked for the Ayatollah freely. Seems Mousavi is in a great position to keep the people riled up and stage a takeover of the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Sounds great from a people point of view right? The problem is that it's the same regime. Only the names change. Just because Mousavi doesn't say death to America doesn't mean he doesn't think it, ya know? If I'm right and this Mousavi guy gets all the power what will that be like? I hope I'm wrong but it's starting to look like Mousavi just might use the people of Iran to gain control of the Country and continue with the same old, same old.

Something is smelling fishy. Distraction? Revolution? A planned takeover? I don't know but something is starting to feel very odd in all of this. I'm not so sure the people are going to come out any better for anything in all this.

For the first time I think I agree with BO in keeping the words of the United States to a minium. For now at least.



Blogger Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice said...

You know, most of your posts I just don't even know what to say. This is just icky. Fishy doesn't cover it.

RE your comment on my post, I agree I am not surprised at all that no one stopped, except that is, the police. Oh well.

My DH felt to horrible there will be no chance of a repeat. LOL

June 29, 2009 at 3:49 AM  

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